目前分類:Android APP (14)
- May 22 Thu 2014 17:59
- May 21 Wed 2014 14:18
◆English◆[Password Home]Using tags to group your items(V1.3.4)
Tags are powerful because they can ignore the boundaries among categories, and group items together from anywhere.
- May 20 Tue 2014 11:27
- Oct 24 Mon 2016 10:01
當您從手機或平板中把密碼資料匯出並複製到電腦時,點擊兩下預設會從 EXCEL 中開啟,結果可能會讓您失望,畫面可能如下:
亂碼,而且筆數也不對!這是因為在 Android 中預設採用 UTF-8 碼來儲存文件,且這個 APP 是以逗號來分隔欄位,這一點 Excel 並不知道,導致文字碼及斷行錯誤。
- Apr 05 Sun 2015 01:47
Encryption Key is failed...for a friend
The old version (1.4.2 -) does not check if more than two encription keys in a database,but the new version (1.4.2) will check this and allows only unique key value.
In order to ensure that the key values in all fields is consistent,when the current database can not match the encryption key in the menu's Settings page,you will not be able to add or modify any items with encrypted fields .
- Feb 09 Mon 2015 14:30
◆繁中◆【密碼管理之家】一個密碼管理的Android APP,手邊一堆密碼的人真的需要。
這是與朋友在 Android 程式開發時所額外建立的一個APP,一直以來都是團隊內使用,後來強化了功能以後,決定開放到 Google Play。
- May 27 Tue 2014 13:19
- May 22 Thu 2014 17:38
◆日本語◆ ExcelでUTF‐8のCSVを作成するには...
手元の PC で確認したところ、Excel 2010、2013 で [名前を付けて保存] > [ファイルの種類 : CSV (カンマ区切り) (*.csv)] で保存する時に、文字コードを選択することは出来ないようです。
そのため、Excel の通常の操作だけで、文字コードが UTF-8 の CSV ファイルを作成するのは難しいかもしれません。
- May 22 Thu 2014 17:23
◆English◆ Import CSV files to [Password Home] from your excel or other applications.
- Connect the supplied USB cable into your device, then into your computer(windows). Please ensure your device is powered on and unlocked.
- When you plug in the device for the first time, you may need to install its drivers.
- The SD card will appear as "Removable Disk" on your Computer.
- Now,you can move or copy CSV files you want to Import to [Password Home] into the folder<Removable Disk>/data/com.moku.passwordhome/io
- Run [Password Home] and go to [Export/Import] as shown in FIG.
note: [Password Home] will convert a csv file into a category,and each column in the first row of the csv file will be created as a field.
- May 22 Thu 2014 17:01
◆English◆ Transfer [Passord Home] data to another device.
Method 1 – Dropbox Cloud
The fastest way is to use a single Dropbox account to perform the transfer.
- May 22 Thu 2014 16:56
- Apr 15 Tue 2014 17:18
- Mar 27 Thu 2014 10:04
- Mar 08 Sat 2014 11:30
您在【密碼管理之家】的APP裡可能存放了不少密碼資料,而您有另一台設備也需要用到這些密碼資料,或者您可能更換了手機或平板,所以必需把這些密碼資料做轉移。如果有這樣的情況請看下文,我們將為您介紹如何進行這樣的動作,如果您有Dropbox帳號,那麼做這樣的動作可能一兩分鐘就能完成,兩台設備只要授權APP相同帳號的Dropbox存取權,以後只要One touch就能共享同一份密碼檔哦。(利用APP裡的SD卡備份功能也能做,只是比較麻煩。)